Illustrators of the Future 2006


Another journey down memory lane...

This will be my sole nostalgic post. My work from my teenage years is just too awful, I can't stand to let anyone look at it. This little gem, however, is too old for me to be embarrassed about it. This is a small excerpt from a comic drawn in Grade 6. The comic was called "Future Plot" and the story was about me and my classmates and what we'd be like in the future. I'm a comic artist, of course. Oh, the geekiness extends so far into my past...

The funny thing is, although I always loved superheroes, I never got into drawing them too much, and I never really tried to draw like Todd McFarlane... but he was peerless among comic artists at that time, and therefore my idol.


  • WOW! That's really bringing it back. Todd McFarlane is my all time favorite comic book artist! I have almost everything he's ever done. (Yes, I'm a geek too.) His toy company is based near my home and they came to my college looking for interns to design their packaging. The rep told us that they pretty much had the position filled but I applied anyway. No call back, but it was still cool to see some of their original painted sculptures and a dvd on how they shoot their photography.

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 31 August, 2006  

  • hehe, I knew you would get a kick out of this. Yeah, this would've been just after I started collecting Spider-Man, and it was blowing my little mind. I even abandoned the X-Men for a while...but I don't think they ever had an artist who was as graphically strong as McFarlane. Mike Mignola was pretty cool though, do you know him? He did some great covers.

    By Blogger LetterGhost, at 31 August, 2006  

  • Yup, I like Mike, though I'm only familiar with his Hellboy stuff mostly. When I said I have most of McFarlane's stuff, I also meant his random pin-ups too. It was fun tracking down stuff he did that didn't get a lot of exposure--TMNT, Flaming Carrot, Conan the Barbarian, etc.

    There was a show at the Museum of Cartoon and Comic Art (MOCCA) in NY that had a retrospective of his work. He had some high school art and a ton of rejection letters there. (He received about 700 rejection letters total, but not all were at the show.) Just seeing his original work from Spiderman and Spawn had me in awe.

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 31 August, 2006  

  • Wow, I need to post a page or 2 form my old comics ... but I did ones about stuffed animals coming to life ... in junior high.
    Ahem, I love McFarlane's figurines! Very detailed, cool stuff. He was pretty peerless, once upon a time.

    By Blogger Droemar, at 31 August, 2006  

  • That's SO cool, I did one in junior high about a stuffed animal coming to life too! It was a dinosaur. Havoc was wreaked. I don't have that comic anymore, unfortunately... so let's see yours!

    By Blogger LetterGhost, at 31 August, 2006  

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