Illustrators of the Future 2006


Le Sigh

So, I'm sure we've all received the various emails proclaiming the next generation of lucky winners beginning their week in paradise.

I can't believe it's been a year.

So, in celebration, I propose a big ol' nostalgia trip. What were the best parts? Favorite memories? Things that make our hearts ache with longing?

I'll go first. (For obvious reasons.) I remember getting into the SUV with Nate and Alex. I was so nervous, because my first thoughts were "Oh, man, I bet these guys are WAY better than me." I remember being superbly jealous of Alex's work, and laughing at Nate's comic work. I am now a devout follower of King Sheep.

Heh. I remember Ron Lindahn picked his nails the WHOLE TIME the first day, and I was stuck next to him gritting my teeth. I also remember during part of his lecture where he said we'd all be transformed by the experience, and when we went back home people would say "What happened to you? Were you brainwashed by a cult?" In light of the whole Scientology thing, I always just found that frickin' hilarious. There's a literary term for it, but I can't think of it.

I remember when Anne McCaffrey was wheeled by us, and James averted his eyes. I said, "She just said she likes it when people come up to her." And James said, "We're not worthy! She's a legend!"

Favorite moments: When Eldar gave all the chicks Russian chocolate. Mwahahaha! I still have the wrapper. Kat and I sitting in the hotel lounge helping Ozzie bat around ideas for Pangea. Practicing with the Fuji water bottles for the awards ceremony. (Needless to say, the fact that I bawled and choked in front of 5,000 people is NOT a favorite memory for me.) Finding seabeads on the beach for Kat. Performing a Simpsons-go-to-Australia line for Mel. Cracking up at Mel's alarm at the strength of bathroom hand dryers. Seeing Kim in her eleven-princess green dress before the awards ceremony. James asking me if I liked swing dancing because of my dress. Mocking Nate as he led the group of us to the award ceremony, dodging perilous speed bumps and poor lighting. Being jealous of Miguel's rendition of Terl. Attempting to wax expert on animal anatomy. Talking with Stephen Hickman, who was such an unbelievably cool and laid back guy. Hearing Anne McCaffrey talk, and getting her to sign a dragon drawing I'd done.

Ah, so much fun. I miss all of you guys a lot, because I've never had a greater, more transcendent artist's moment then when I met the Illustrators of the Future 2006. I hope we're still talking and laughing and blogging years from now. So here's a toast, to fond memories, great artwork, and great friends!


  • Yeah it's been a whole year and that guy still hasn't read my script for me -_- He's busy working on Torchwood I think.

    I wish I hadn't been so jetlagged for the whole thing, I think I spent far too much time in my room. I'm so grateful that we had such a good group of people. It would have been such a pain if you guys had all been jerks.

    One of my favourite moments is still when Scientologist Kim asked me to sign a book for her and I'd forgotten her name already so I asked her to spell it ^__^;

    I should be going to next years SanDiego comic con. And I'd still love for you all to be there too! I should even have stuff represented there.

    By Blogger melelel, at 22 August, 2007  

  • Ah, those were the fondest memories I've ever had with other artists. Sure, I was the overwhelmingly optimistic one who thought we'd all be offered jobs before the end of the award night, but that's just how I roll.

    Favorite memories: getting lost at the airport trying to find the guy with the "Illustrators of the Future" sign. Going swimming in the ocean. Going to a restaurant with Eldar and helping convince him that he definitely wanted his pie "a la mode." Sitting around the fireplace and drawing in each others' sketchbooks. Spontaneous Simpsons and Indiana Jones quotes with Kim. Boldly leading the procession from the restaurant to the museum despite mocking from non-believers. Giving the first speech (no pressure!). Looking good in a tux. Being so hopped-up on excitement and adrenaline that I don't notice how tired I am until I do a face-plant onto my bed.

    Though, really, my favorite part was just being in the company of fellow artists who were all smart, funny, geeky, and talkative in the exact right amounts to make me want to spend every waking moment among them. I think it's important to note that I'd never had friends who are artists until that week.

    Thanks a metric ton, and I also plan to be in San Diego next year for the Con. Hope to see you there!

    By Blogger Major Sheep, at 22 August, 2007  

  • Man, I'm gonna have to come to the Comic Con, if both of ya'll are gonna be there!

    By Blogger Droemar, at 22 August, 2007  

  • i can hardly bear to look at the emails, let alone the blog of this year's winners. The pangs of nostalgia I feel, even when I look at random pictures of California or palm trees, are just sort of painful... I don't have any particular favourite moments, the whole week was so overwhelming. Laura you've gotta get those books of yours published and bestselling soon so you can fly us all back for a reunion. I wish I could go to San Diego next year, but I don't think my book'll be out by then ;) though I did have some work (that I'm not really happy with) this year in this anthology. well, who knows, maybe I'll make it next year ... Miss you all.

    By Blogger LetterGhost, at 23 August, 2007  

  • Y'know, I tried to block out how fun that week was so I wouldn't feel depressed. But since we're talking about it, here are some of my fave memories :) Meeting Kim at the airport and taking pics and thinking "I could get used to this." Walking everywhere with the group. James' Will Ferrell impressions. Sitting next to Nate at the signing and laughing all day. Signing a freakin' bike helmet. Seeing Eldar's excitement in the hotel room after he won the big prize that night. Doing about 20 takes in my first interview because I was so nervous--I thought they were going to kill me. My long walk with Alex. My other long walk with Mel. Being blown away by all of your portfolios. Being inspired by the conversations I had with the Lindahns, Hickman, and you guys. Seeing Miguel in the paper. The excitement of award night. Trying to stay up late knowing the week would have to eventually end. My last late night chat with Tamara. Hanging with Kat and Laura in the lounge and loving their ideas. Meeting my writer, Brian, and discussing his story. Trying to communicate with Olga to tell her how much her work kicks ass. Finding a note from Eldar that read "Good luck!" when I woke up the last day and he was gone. (Still get choked up when I think about it, and I still have it)

    This trip was one of the best experiences I've ever had. There's just too many things to list here. Thanks guys. I feel lucky to have shared that week with you. I wish the best for everyone.

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 24 August, 2007  

  • I can't even bare to read these entries! I miss you guys so much. That was the best week of my life, ever. It did more for me than anything else I have ever experienced. I kinda avoided this place so I wouldn't remember and get nostalgic and sad :(

    My favorites (years late, as I am again)? Fresh cookies and chatting near the fireplace. Walking down to the beach and being overwhelmed by the ocean. Going to the diner in the mornings with the variant group we had. The hot-tub chats. Passing out after the award ceremony. My dad trying to speak a few words of Russian to Eldar. Playing with the toy cars in the middle of workshop! Talking with Stephen about oil painting techniques (!!!) The sea beads and seashells I got. The perfect weather.

    Above all the massive amount of ideas and information and love I got from all of you. Word.

    By Blogger Katya, at 02 October, 2007  

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