Illustrators of the Future 2006


More wacky dream doodles

So, I had this crazy dream on Tuesday night, and I did some little sketches of it. I dreamed that I was being imprisoned in Laos for making incendiary comics. The queen of Laos was a panda bear. Here I am, begging her for mercy:

Despite my pleas, I was told I would be left in prison for an undetermined amount of time. My parents, of course, were devastated that I would be held prisoner in Laos for god-knows-how-long. My captors let me phone my parents, and I tried to console my mother:

The only reason I was able to escape was because the Prince of Laos (who was not a panda, but a half-man, half-unicycle) fell in love with me and helped me escape. (He fell in love with me, but I didn't fall in love with him...I'm not THAT weird.) Thus followed a very long dream segment where we zooming through tunnels beneath the Laotian palace, trying to escape the guards:

Incidentally, when I draw "myself" in dreams, I don't always try to make it look like me. That gets boring. Although I do tend to draw tall skinny girls.

Yeah, I have really strange dreams. Last night I dreamed I was house-sitting for Mel Gibson. I discovered that he had a secret room where he was doing experiments on Transformers. I accidentally woke up Omega Supreme (I think that's his name, you know the massive one that turns into a train?) Mel had changed him from an Autobot to a Decepticon, so he was evil and started rampaging through the city. I tried to stop him--he killed me almost straight away (I'm only a puny human after all!). Then, as a ghost, I possessed Optimus Prime and drove frantically around the city trying to warn people, "RUN AWAY! OMEGA SUPREME IS COMING!!" It was fun being Optimus Prime. I'd draw this one, but...too many trademarked characters.


  • lol, whoa! You do have some wierd dreams. But I like your dream logic; it's a lot like mine. I had a dreamabout all of the girls from the Illustrators shindig where we talked about sticking toothpicks and splinters into our arms and then talked about themishaps of owning pet spiders. I told this really outlandish tale about a pet tarantula in a paint jar that broke on the stairs and crawled out pink. Which was entirely untrue, because I hate spiders in reallife andhave never owned one as a pet.

    By Blogger Droemar, at 01 September, 2006  

  • Ha ha! That's a good one! I LOVE "dream logic"...those crazy things that make perfect sense in your dreams make the best punchlines when you wake up. My roommate laughed hysterically at my dream-rationalization of Peanuts.

    By the way, I've been meaning to ask (sorry, this is a stupid question...) how do you pronounce "Droemar"?

    By Blogger LetterGhost, at 01 September, 2006  

  • It's fairly straightforward: droh-mar. One of my first serious fantasy endeavors, when I was about 12, had a race of velociraptor men called the Droemar. Its derived from the genus Dromaesaur, which includes velociraptor, deinonychus, utahraptors, and smaller therapods. Dinosaurs, in other words. I was obsessed with them when I was little. I still am. But droemar is my word, so I can use it as a username all the time without having to worry about numbers or that kind of crap.
    And before you ask, it's "day-non-ee-kus".

    By Blogger Droemar, at 02 September, 2006  

  • You have some awesome dreams. I know I have similarly illogical dreams. I really love the colors in these because it does remind me of... dream colors? Mood dreams? Hard to explain. But the half-man half unicycle makes me very happy. And the Panda queen is great - plus the ways the figures flow is great.

    By Blogger Katya, at 03 September, 2006  

  • thanks Laura, I thought it was droh-mar but had to verify. yeah, I always use LetterGhost because it's never taken either... it's the name of a Paul Klee painting I saw at the MOMA.

    Glad you guys enjoy my little sketches...don't know why I didn't draw the figures more cartoony. I just got all excited by the dream-imagery and started drawing them realistically, before I reallized that these are really silly drawings would be totally useless as finished pieces. So, I just scanned the pencils and whipped some colour out in Photoshop, to share with you guys.

    Also, after talking to my brother this weekend, I feel compelled to correct myself that Omega Supreme was in fact, a "defence station" with tracks running around it, not simply a train. I got his name right, though.

    By Blogger LetterGhost, at 05 September, 2006  

  • Great illustrations T. I write down most of my dreams but haven't gotten around to sketching them out. A bunch of these illustrated dreams together would make a cool collection--I'd buy it.

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 05 September, 2006  

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