Illustrators of the Future 2006


Short comic

Sorry I haven't posted anything in ages. I was expecting to post this alot sooner.

This is the six page comic that has been accepted into the next 'Character sketches' anthology put together by Gestalt. It should be at the San Diego comic con this next year along with myself ^__^

I've decided not to post the whole thing here, so people will have to buy it to see it all :P These are the middle three pages

It's lead pencil on paper. I'm not sure how long it took me to do in the end... a few months I think? It was Somewhat inspired by Shaun Tan's 'The Arival'. Any of you lot know who Shaun Tan is?

cheers, Mel


  • I'm going to out myself and say that I have not a clue who Shaun Tan is, but I love your comic regardless of that fact. I love the look of the characters, the light and shadow rendering, the idea of the critters in the shadows, all of it. And I it really makes me want to see the whole story. I'll be there to buy it, but I'll need to have my copy signed by the artist. Could that be arranged?

    By Blogger Major Sheep, at 19 December, 2007  

  • Man, I'd love to come to San Diego Comic Con and see you! And buy your stuff, naturally. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
    And I'm sorreh, but I don't know who Shaun Tan is. I always love linkage, tho.

    By Blogger Droemar, at 01 January, 2008  

  • I'm sure I can sign copies for anyone who wants them ^__^

    By Blogger melelel, at 15 January, 2008  

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