Illustrators of the Future 2006


The house project

Got a commission from this guy I used to work with before the event. He wanted an illustration done of his house and sent me a bunch of reference shots to do it. Not the most fun project but what the heck--at least I got to play around with a few things like leaves and shadows. 25+ hours later and here it is. Actual size is approx. 15" x 9", larger than what I usually do and I wanted to kill myself halfway through.


  • Holy expletives.

    THat is seriously gorgeous. Wow. The detail in the patterning... the overall look of the shadows made from your peticular line qualities.. and the style of it.. makes it so much more than just a drawing of this guy's house. The fact that the picture is SO busy but I can still make everything out and still understand different shapes make it so amazing. This could just be a drawong of some guy's house, or it could be the beginning illustration of a story.

    I envy your patience too - and thanks for posting here too! It's been omniously quiet lately.
    You make me want to do something ridiculously detailed in ink, even though I already have a gazillion other projects to attend to :(

    rock on, ozzie! Your pangaea print is on my wall near my drawing desk, next to Nate and Laura's pics, for inspiration :D

    By Blogger Katya, at 05 September, 2006  

  • Thanks Kat! I agree, it is kinda busy, and I think I would have done a few things differently looking at it now, but that's almost always the case. There's always the next one though...

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 05 September, 2006  

  • Jesus, Ozzie. I can't believe you did that within a week.
    Doesn't your hand ever hurt...? I would imagine that you keep a pretty tight grip on the pen. (I'm being forced to loosen up my own style.)
    Detail is amazing. I like to imagine that's a herd of giant slugs on the lawn... I know it's not, I just don't have my glasses on right now. I'll have to take a better look tomorrow when I find my >expletives< glasses!

    By Blogger LetterGhost, at 05 September, 2006  

  • While I agree that drawing buildings is as fun as watching mold grow on a damp rag, I think you've done something here that is fantastic. In fact, I think your style might just be the best I've ever seen for representing natural landscapes in black and white.

    Everything has a sort of Tim Burton or Where the Wild Things Are kind of feel to it and I would love to see what you've got in the works for your new book.

    By Blogger Major Sheep, at 06 September, 2006  

  • Thanks for the comments guys. This took a little longer than a week and I did take breaks because my hand would hurt here and there. I think I needed the breaks more for the eye strain though. As far as my new book, still working out the details but it will be darker than other stuff I've done. The basic premise (and I hope this hasn't been done before) is what happens when you get wrapped up in trick-or-treating and wander into an unknown neighborhood? Another environment theme similar to Pangaea and I think there's some fun stuff to throw into that.

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 06 September, 2006  

  • Ye gods! Kat's been censored!

    And Nate's lousy at answering deviantart notes.

    This is definitely the sort of picture you could see something new every time you look at it. You seem to blend busy details and strong shapes seamlessly. It definitely has a feel of whimsy to it.

    Halloween and environmentalism? I'd be intrigued to see you seamlessly blend those, too. I'm imagining monsters giving out candy ...

    By Blogger Droemar, at 06 September, 2006  

  • That's what I was thinking! Which monsters should I use, what types of homes would they live in, what types of candy (if any) would they give out, what would be their attitude about kids wandering through their neighborhood, etc. Would the kids think this was real or a bunch of grownups in costumes because it's Halloween? Are any of them really dangerous? I think there's a lot of room to open this up and explore.

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 07 September, 2006  

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