Illustrators of the Future 2006


Total Autumness, Dude.

Heya, all! Things have been pretty dead around here lately, which I think means that everyone is doing really well with their art. Staying busy = less free time.

Ergo, vis-a-vis, concordantly, here's what I've been doing with my time. This is the first non-commissioned piece I've ever done for the express purpose of profit. I intend to sell it at the earliest opportunity.

It's also the first of four seasonal pieces that will be a set and maybe a calendar too, so yee-haw for entrepeneurial endeavors.

Hope you enjoy!


Halloween image and other news...

Hey guys, here's the finished illustration based on the sketch I posted a while ago. In other news--after 5 rewrites, Pangaea is in the hands of my publisher for market research. It's definitely much more educational now, but still has the underlying "fantasy" theme. I'll find out in April if they decide to go with it or not, so please keep your fingers crossed! And Laura, I will finally have the collaboration piece done soon...thanks for being patient!


Working My Eyes to the Bone

Happy new year to every one of you happy little artists out there! Well, here's what I've been working my fingers to the nub and eyes to the bone to produce. It's the map to my friend's fantasy novel (due out in April). What you see here is the color version which will go on his interactive website, but there's also a black & white version that will go in his book. I've been kind of keeping the map to myself because I didn't want to jinx anything, but it's pretty much affirmed, so here it is.

On one hand I'm glad to be published again, and definitely glad for the money, but on the other hand I really hope I haven't just signed myself up for a lifetime of mapmaking. Either way, it's good work!

I hope the rest of you are doing as well as I am! Later!