Illustrators of the Future 2006


Halloween image and other news...

Hey guys, here's the finished illustration based on the sketch I posted a while ago. In other news--after 5 rewrites, Pangaea is in the hands of my publisher for market research. It's definitely much more educational now, but still has the underlying "fantasy" theme. I'll find out in April if they decide to go with it or not, so please keep your fingers crossed! And Laura, I will finally have the collaboration piece done soon...thanks for being patient!


  • This is terrific. I especially love the textures that you always bring into every surface of your drawings. My only concern is that the figures almost blend into the background a little too much. They need some kind of separation there. Just a thought. But I love how the inks turned out.

    By Blogger Major Sheep, at 24 January, 2007  

  • Ye gods, your details are amazing! I do agree with Nate; maybe try outlining the figures with a really thin white line?
    And no hurry on the collaboration. I'm not a client. Do let us now if yourbook goes through, though. I'm especially interested in learning how that process goes.

    By Blogger Droemar, at 24 January, 2007  

  • Great, thanks for the feedback!

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 24 January, 2007  

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