Illustrators of the Future 2006


More Concept

I'm not dithering, I swear I'm not. I have one of the full illustrations already inked and ready to go. I'm trying to prepare for when I go home for Christmas and have no Photoshop. So I'm trying to get my concept hammered out afore I go home. I have 4 more to go! These are just as crappy as the last lot, but they work very well when it comes to transferring compositional elements to the bristol I work on. As always, if any crit can be given, please do so.
Also, the next novel I'm going to start working on will require illustrations in colored pencil. Is anyone here well-versed in them? I really need any tips I can get. And what's the best kind of paper to work on?


  • These look great! Compositionally, very good and active, but I would recommend cropping the 1st one a big tighter (even if it means encroaching upon dog feet). Can't wait to see some of these finished illustrations!

    As for colored pencil, I advise these four things:
    1. Rougher papers like bristols are better for colored pencil because they pick up the color easier.
    2. Start with the light colors/shades always or you'll get smudging from the darker elements.
    3. Layer your values. If the face is pale, do the whole face in that color, then put darker values on top. If you want to smooth out a light single-layer color, go over it with a white color pencil rather than a blending pencil. The latter tends to smooth out the paper as well which makes later coloring uneven.
    4. I never use less than three color values for shading (i.e. for skin: light peach, peach, sienna, umber). Seriously try to put as many shades as you can into each colored element. It takes longer, but the result is great.

    Hope those help, or are at least not confusing. Cheers on your next novel, and hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

    By Blogger Major Sheep, at 27 November, 2006  

  • No, that's very helpful! I shall referback to it often. (And the light first rule is one I hadn't heard before. I'd always been told the opposite.)

    Also, will you POST THE NEXT FREAKING COMIC!? I want to know what happens next on your website!

    By Blogger Droemar, at 27 November, 2006  

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