Illustrators of the Future 2006


sup illustrators?

How are you all doing? :)

I just got the wonderful news I am going to be studying illustration in Germany next semester!
I'm so excited I could vomit! :D
The best thing about German universities is that they are very self-driven and very individualistic. No real 'classes', it's all up to you to complete the work you want. It's like I hoped college always would be!

I'm glad you all seem to be doing fairly well in terms of art-business. I had a gallery show a few weeks ago and it went really well, surprisingly, for showing mostly illustrative art.

Anyway, I see that we are all here finally! Except Olga, though, who I invited and she joined, but has not posted. It's ok though. Maybe Eldar, you could help her if she wants?

Also, I made links to personal websites on the sidebar, if you can see it. If I have forgotten one for you, please comment and let me know! So we can get a series of links going!

I am not too happy about having to do book signings, though.

Anyway, I felt like I needed to remind all of you how absolutely amazing you all are, and how I still really miss you guys and whenever this place gets slow it kinda makes my chest hurt a little bit. I'm not going to let you guys get away that easily :( Keep up the awesomeness you guys, you know how amazing you really are.


  • I'm not very happy about doing book signings, either. I'm so tired by the end of the week ...
    I miss everyone, too. I'm glad we can at least stay in touch, but it pales in comparison sometimes to knowing that if we were all together we wouldn't be able to shut up.
    Studying in Germany sounds AWESOME. Throw off the iron collar of fine arts! Viva expression!

    By Blogger Droemar, at 14 November, 2006  

  • That's GREAT!. I hope you enjoy that experience in Germany(and I know you will). Congrats for the gallery show too. And yeah, I believe everyone miss being in the IOTF headquarters chatting about art and tecniques all day.

    By Blogger Alex, at 14 November, 2006  

  • Hey Kat! Congrats on your recent good happenings. Have fun in Germany! I've been juggling a few projects here and will post as soon as they're ready. Unfortunately, it'll still be a few weeks before they're done and I'm not that comfortable showing unfinished work. So for now just picture a big "Coming Soon" sign over my name. :) I miss ya too!

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 15 November, 2006  

  • I miss all of you too! If I haven't mentioned it before, let me reiterate that the six days we all spent in SD together was one of the best times of my life.

    You are so lucky to get to go to Germany for school. Ah, to be in Europe. Make sure you take lots of pictures, scan all your art, and don't even think about losing touch on this blog. I'm not afraid to come after you.

    By Blogger Major Sheep, at 15 November, 2006  

  • don't vomit!!

    Congrats! You will have an AMAZING experience, I am sure. So when do you leave? And whereabouts in Germany are you going?

    By Blogger LetterGhost, at 16 November, 2006  

  • Ah, Germans. We have a special way of making things more expressive. Be it art, beer, lederhosen, there's never a dull moment when a German is involved.(just to remind you I'm German, in case the horribly unpronounceable last name didn't give it away.) I'm sure you will have the second greatest time of your life (the first being, obviously, your trip to San Diego, he he he) Congrats!

    On a completely random tangent, I went to school with a German transfer student who was one of the funniest people I have ever met. Being all fresh and new to the US, he NEVER tired of inane Simpsons references. Never. Nate would have been in heaven.

    By Blogger K. Feigenbaum, at 21 November, 2006  

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