Illustrators of the Future 2006


Further Book Signing Mayhem

Well, perhaps not so much "mayhem" as "tomfoolery." I went to a book signing on Saturday at McChord Air Force Base's BX near Tacoma, WA, and I was told to bring artwork to sell as well as books. I was thinking, hey, air force guys fresh off of payday with money to burn! Easy targets! Not so much.

Last time I was in a PX, it was more like a trading post in the Northwest Territory, but this modern BX was like a mall with a Target tacked into the middle of it. There were lots of arts 'n crafts booths set up in the mall's main strip, but where did I get set up? Inside right by the door, like I was selling candy bars or Girl Scout cookies. Not conducive to browsing an artist's wares.

I did sell 7 books, and one portrait sketch of a passerby, but all that took seven hours. Seven! Hours! And it's cold out here, man!

Anyway, if anything, this last Saturday's experience has sent me running over to the camp of "No More Book Signings, Thank You." You were right, I was naive. I appreciate everything Galaxy Press has done for me, but the whole point of this thing was to get my career going, and that isn't happening at book signings.

So, just wanted to rant a bit here, sorry.

Oh, and where are Kim and James? We may need to launch a search and rescue op.

Finally, is anyone else planning something artistic for Christmas this year? If so, what?



  • I've got Daemonfire stuff I'll be working on. I'm also doing a collaboration with Ozzie.
    No one likes book signings. They're really not conducive to selling books. I have 2 more, but I could not stay 7 hours!

    By Blogger Droemar, at 04 December, 2006  

  • Hey, 7 books is pretty good! I don't think anyone has sold more, at least from what I've read. And yep, Laura and I are going to work on a piece together--can't wait for that. I'm also working on my Spectrum submission, and will be working on my holiday cards soon. Every year I try to create my own and this year it looks like I've been bit by the caricature bug--yours and Tamara's illustrations of us has got me inspired to try my hand at drawing my family. I'll let you guys know how that turns out and will most likely post them here.

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 05 December, 2006  

  • I know how you feel, and I'm happy I'm not the only one that detests the book signings! My mother was making me feel bad because she said it's the least I can do for Galaxy Press - but honestly, they aren't getting anything out of it and neither am I. It's just beginning to piss me off. And I told Sarah NO WEEKDAYS I HAVE CLASS but she's still scheduling me for them :\ Bleh.

    I like to do christmas things but I dunno if I will have time and all that good stuff. I wanna do a collaboration with people tooooo!

    By Blogger Katya, at 06 December, 2006  

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