Illustrators of the Future 2006


Fun for all ages

Hey kids, sorry I've been MIA recently. I have a show coming up the first week in January and I've been painting till my fingers bleed every night trying to finish my work. You'd be surprised how well congealed blood mixes with acrylic paint. Perhaps I will start a new trend? I included a few pics I've been working on. These aren't illustrations, but I'm desperately trying to make money at ANYTHING art related. My day job is increadingly becoming more irritating. You ever get that feeling that a homicidal rampage is only one crotchety floridian away?

Remember that pin up calendar thing? I didn't get chosen for a full page space, but I did get a thumbnail space. The layout is really cool and it should be printed soon. I finished up that RPG I was working on, and I'm also illustrating a technical theater book. Both of those projects should be published next year. After the show comes Spectrum, which I sill think everyone should enter. So, I've got a full schedule, especially when having to fend of the Galaxy Press people with a nail-studed two-by-four. I know those guys mean well, but no one in my backward hillbilly town gives a flying rat's ass about fantasy/sci-fi illutrators. I'm gearing up for my first book signing this weekend. I'm not sure what to expect, but I have a feeling most people will be too confused by a book with more than two words in the title. We'll see. I'll be sure to update. I hope everyone is doing well.

Oh, and in case anyone is wondering. I have the pictures from San Diego, but my camera has taken them hostage. It's demanding a ransom of cottage cheese and twinkies in ungodly amounts. Until its demonic wrath has been quelled, I must inform you fine folks that the pictures are, at the moment, inaccessable.


  • About TIME, Kim. JEEZ. I'm right there with you in that no one in the middle of :ubbock gives a flip about sci-fi/fantasy writing, let alone drawings of it. Bring something to do is my advice.
    Paint look good. Congrats on the thumbail.

    By Blogger Droemar, at 05 December, 2006  

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    By Blogger Droemar, at 05 December, 2006  

  • She lives! Glad to hear you haven't been imprisoned for radical thinking or reckless use of color.

    I empathize with your book signing, and I wonder if it would do any good to remind Galaxy that the literacy rate in areas of the southeast sits at a lethargic 30%. Probably not.

    Good luck there and at the showing!

    By Blogger Major Sheep, at 05 December, 2006  

  • I really love your abstract paintings. I admit I have a HUGE weakness for them and especially ones so organic looking (like, fractured tree bark, or living cells, etc) and your painting technique for them makes me filled with joy.

    Congrats on the other artsy things! I'm glad you are starting to get more recognition for your work.

    I empathize as well - book signings SUCK and even in my city no one could give a rat's ass about fantasy books. (Especially with Mr. Hubbard's name on them, I'm sad to say) Really, I love Galaxy Press, but I don't think this is the right way to go about it at all.

    Keep it posi!

    By Blogger Katya, at 06 December, 2006  

  • Firstly, I really like the warm vs. cool colors in the top painting. And secondly, congrats on the show and your steady flow of artwork...seems like you have a lot to keep you busy and motivated. Keep it up!

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 08 December, 2006  

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