Illustrators of the Future 2006


Collaboration with Ozzie: Pencils

So me and Ozzie are doing a collboration. I do pencils, he does ink. I got to do a bunch of crazy monsters. Ozzie was kind enough to let me do stuff from my fantasy world of Lustra. These are servants of the Old (on the right) and New (on the left) Gods fighting at the end of the world.
I'm a tad self-conscious to post this, because my pencils are notoriously messy. (Which is why I ink, but Ozzie's ink kicks my ink's ass and gives it a swirlie-noogie and sends it home sobbing.) My scanner also tends not to like things that need to be scanned in two pieces.
Anyway, collaborations are fun cause you only hafta do half the work. And I really can't wait to see how Ozzie makes this thing pop. I just hope my blurry pencil lines don't sabatoge him.


  • That looks pretty fargin' awesome, but I dont' see the inks? Also, are those birds/harpies in the background shooting energy blasts from their talons? That is too cool.

    And I don't want you to be feeling self-conscious about posting anything. Remember "no self-depreciation?" Your stuff is spectacular, and so are you!

    P.S. - I think "Harpy laser talons!" is my new battlecry.

    By Blogger Major Sheep, at 11 December, 2006  

  • They're angels, actually, but certainly based off of harpies. Why couldn't Ozzie get that? It's so OBVIOUS!
    I'd like to see you do a strip with that new battlecry of yours.
    And actually, if you could draw me as I would appear in your comic world, I might be able to finish a fan comic or two.

    By Blogger Droemar, at 11 December, 2006  

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