Freelance, Mebbe

I have a sign hanging in a comic/gaming shop down in Austin, and somebody apparantly liked what they saw. These are character designs for a pen-and-paper roleplaying game called Dardunah. If all goes well, these will appear in a book. If the directer of the project likes them, I'll have more work. It's kind a dream job, designing fantasy anthro characters, but I dunno. I'm not particularly fond of pencil and it's been a long time since I did a full piece, so I don't have a super high opinion of these. Plus, I'm not even getting paid what I'd really like to be; about half that, in fact. And what happens if the image does get published? Do I get royalties or what? Why are illustrators always seen as so expendable? "Look, you just draw pictures, okay? No reason to pay you minimum wage or anything, since YOU have FUN at your job."
Ah, the fine squiggly line between getting paid crap and not getting paid at all. Are you shy, squiggly line? It's all right. I forgive you.