Illustrators of the Future 2006


The Executioner's Widow and Recent Sketches

This is an idea that I thought might have merit as a character, but I've been resisting the urge to develop a story around her in order to keep the design Clearly the stockiest woman I've ever drawn, but I wanted her to look like she could actually swing that sword with some efficiency.

Okay, the rest of these are just sketches I've been working on of comic characters and male musculature so Becky has something to oggle whilst I work.

I've also been trying to figure out some kind of mixed media thing combining colored pencil and acrylic/watercolor/marker, which is driving me nucking futs. Anyways, hope the rest of you are having as much fun as I am right now. Latah!



  • That doesn't look like any of us! Have you raise dour hopes of a charicature T-Shirt only to dash them to pieces!?
    These are really good sketches. I look forward to your color work. A media of that sort ought to be real challenging, tho, so Idon't envy you that.
    I'm jealous of your abs. Dah! I mean! You draw abs well!

    By Blogger Droemar, at 13 September, 2006  

  • GRR! ABS! I love it. I love when people make comments on their art!

    Thank goodness Tamara said what I was thinking. Where are our portraits, curse you?!

    I love that warrior woman. I'm all about the stockier girls and I think you did a great job in presenting that.
    That's also some fantastic looking musclework. I'd like to hear more about the two girls on the bottom especially. Are they for a story?

    By Blogger Katya, at 13 September, 2006  

  • I thought Droemar was Laura. Anyway, I'm still working on those drawings of all y'all, but I've been waiting until my press kit arrives so I'll have some decent pics to reference (mine suck).

    Also, those two girls at the bottom are characters in my comic strip. I've been thinking about them a lot lately because I don't have their personalities firmly cemented in my brain.

    By Blogger Major Sheep, at 13 September, 2006  

  • I gotta admit, I was hoping to see more caricatures of us too, but I forgot I already have a cool portrait in my sketchbook! These are great. My sketchbooks never look this good..or as finished.

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 13 September, 2006  

  • She looks as though she would be just as comfortable dealing out her demasculating form of justice with a nail-studded 2x4 as a sword. That's my kind of woman.

    By Blogger K. Feigenbaum, at 13 September, 2006  

  • Ah, the good ol' nailbat. It's her back-up piece.

    By Blogger Major Sheep, at 13 September, 2006  

  • Droemar IS Laura! Thanks, Kat!

    I haven't gotten my press kit. Upon any of us recieving one we should alert one another to run to our mailboxes at once.

    By Blogger Droemar, at 14 September, 2006  

  • I'ld take a stab in the dark and say graphite transfer is where you have a lot of scribbly pencil lines, so you trace it or rub it off onto another piece of paper to make the lines cleaner. Not claiming I know everything.
    That looks very old master-style. Post bigger pics next time!

    By Blogger Droemar, at 14 September, 2006  

  • Huh, I could have SWORN the post before mine was marked "letterghost" and not "droemar". Curses! Foiled again! sorry :PPP

    By Blogger Katya, at 17 September, 2006  

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