Illustrators of the Future 2006


Happy Birthday Ozzie!

Not the best likeness, I know, but I scribbled this out while on break at work Friday. Would've been better if I'd used a photo reference--but that just would've been too much trouble for a quick sketch. Also thought it would be funny to draw Marisol Nichols holding the cake... but I just didn't have that much free time at work. Hey, it's the thought that counts.

I see that Eldar commented on one of the posts! (waving excitedly) HI ELDAR! Glad you finally made it!


  • I LOVE IT!! Thanks T, this is perfect! Any chance I can get a copy of this? And yes folks, I do have a secret identity but thanks to T, I've been exposed. Back to the drawing board...Thanks again! xoxo Eldar, we missed you man!

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 16 October, 2006  

  • Errr ... my birthday is on the 26th ... heh. This is cool! I think your next costume should be El Tocino. Then you can team up with Miguel and be an awesome superhero duo.

    By Blogger Droemar, at 16 October, 2006  

  • Is this going to turn out to be another really creepy coincidnece of birthdays --?! Mine's on the 29th. WHat the hell?

    Also.. there's something so hilarious about this.. I can't.. put a finger on it, I think it's Marisa looming with the cake, and the expression on ozzie's face! hahaha~


    By Blogger Katya, at 16 October, 2006  

  • hey, crazy. I dunno if I'll have time to do drawings for everyone, but I'll at least post to wish ya a happy day. Mine's in exactly one month. I'll probably try to stay in bed for the day. I often have really tragic luck on my birthday.

    By Blogger LetterGhost, at 17 October, 2006  

  • Oh crap, sorry I missed your Birthday. I always feel like such an ass wishing someone a belated birthday. If it makes you feel any better, I got a paper cut at work. I have spilt blood because I didn't wish you well on the correct day. Now that's friendship.

    Happy B-Day!!

    By Blogger K. Feigenbaum, at 17 October, 2006  

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