Illustrators of the Future 2006


Press Kits

I got my press kit last night! While it didn't include the 12 free books, I suspect they're coming soon. The high point of the kit was the video footage with interview segments and video to give news stations (I'd imagine). I gotta say, I've never seen myself talking on video and it was a little disconcerting to see how I look when I talk. Also, I think it's time to start working out again! The still-picture CD was nice, but I was hoping for more shots. Oh, well. Anyways, post yar own comments when ya gets yar kits!

Be well, John Spartan.


  • I got mine! I wish there was sound on the CDs, tho. I look very thoughtful while I'm talking, but my god I have a double-chin in EVERY picture! Bah! No only that, they have me on stage crying. Yeah, yeah, I know, "Oh, Laura you were so sweet and heartfelt; you cried for all of us, really." Well, none of ya'll have a cherry-red nose and snot running down your face!
    The pictures of all of ya'll were great. There one of me and Kat doing this weird "Waaaagh!" thing and our expressions are so alike we could be sisters. Weird. My video CD has me giving that drawing lesson to Nate. I don't remember their being cameras present when I did that.

    By Blogger Droemar, at 19 September, 2006  

  • I probably won't get mine til next week (bigger country+much smaller population=slower postal service) but I'm just posting because I haven't in over a week. So, hi guys!

    By Blogger LetterGhost, at 20 September, 2006  

  • Got my press kit on Friday, and would've gotten it sooner but they sent it to the wrong address. My interview at the book store looked pretty good, but I can't believe I sound like that. Anyone else cringe at hearing themselves speak? I would've liked to have had my speech on there though. They cut me off right after I took my pic with Hickman. The pics on the cd were nice too, but none from the book signing, which sucks because I planned to use those to meet chicks with. :) For the people that have book signings and stuff coming up, are you being contacted for this or are you making the contacts?

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 25 September, 2006  

  • I just let Sarah know what book stores were nearby, and she did all the work for me! These folks are so cool.

    However, she did sign me up for a book signing at the Ft. Lewis PX where they won't carry the books, so I'll have to buy my own for resale. I'm not quite sure how that's going to play out, but I'm sure it'll be fun.

    By Blogger Major Sheep, at 28 September, 2006  

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