Illustrators of the Future 2006


Something New

Ok people. Here is a piece I have started since the infamous workshop. It's for a contest on Basically, a bunch of girls got together and decided to publish a calender with pin-up images. Ironic, no? It just goes to show that chicks can draw chicks, too. I'm having fun with it and combined with my new powers of motivation I feel that I can procrastinate long enough to share this with you.

This is the graphite transfer with the beginning stages of the watercolor underpainting. Once I get all the color lightly blocked in, I will add darker values and then finish off the details with colored pencils. I'm working on hot-pressed watercolor paper on a block (which means the paper is gummed together along the edges to prevent buckling). I'll be sure to update as I move along.


  • Woot! This shows definite signs of kick-ass. I particularly love the hair style and "crown," but the background gets my praises too. Good work on making her a combination of artsy and pin-upsy. Is that even a word? Well, we can make it one. We have the technology.

    One question, what's "graphite transfer?"

    By Blogger Major Sheep, at 13 September, 2006  

  • Nate: A graphite transfer is when you use graphite paper (it's like pressure sensitive carbon paper) to transfer a drawing onto another piece of paper. That way, you can keep your original drawing and make a painting of it on a separate piece of paper. It kind of gives you more room to do more things. For example, you make a kick ass drawing then you decide to ink it. If you make a transfer and then ink that, you don't have to worry so much about messing it up because you can make as many transfers as you want. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking some up. It is so choice.

    By Blogger K. Feigenbaum, at 14 September, 2006  

  • Nice job so far Kim! You mentioned that it's for an art contest. Is this a submission to see if it makes it into the calendar, or is it a piece that will def be in it?

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 15 September, 2006  

  • Ah, Bueller quotes. Thanks for that, and I think I will.

    By Blogger Major Sheep, at 15 September, 2006  

  • This is so beautiful and clean looking so far! Thanks for posting. I am a huge fan of watercolor blocks. (although i like mine cold press :p) I kind of like the way the hair looks right now as it is, and the softness of the body - kind of a pre-raphaelite thing looking. Keep us posted!

    By Blogger Katya, at 17 September, 2006  

  • I just realized I forgot to leave a comment on this. I think the girly pin-up is such an awesome idea! We're doing the same thing over on my henna forum--only it's Pirelli-esque photographs of models with henna. Anyway, CAN'T WAIT to see your finished piece. It's a lovely composition. Could you possibly use larger images when you post the final piece so we can see the detail?

    By Blogger LetterGhost, at 20 September, 2006  

  • Thanks for all the comments, everyone.
    Ozzie: It's a piece for submission. The deadline is Sept. 30 and I assume the judging will take a few weeks. If it gets in it will be published in a calendar. I'll be sure to keep you posted.

    Nate:I know I always feel good when I can recognize inane pop-culture references. Consider yourself proud.

    I'll have to finish later, I'm at work....

    By Blogger K. Feigenbaum, at 20 September, 2006  

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