Illustrators of the Future 2006


Hope you're not sick of character designs...

I hate to post next to Mel, becuase mine are not meant to be realistic or well-proportioned, but rather cartoony and warped. These are some preliminary sketches of a few new characters for my book. They're still too detailed for use as is. The goal here is just to establish different faces-- it should look like a variety of ages, sizes, races. My book is comprised of many short comics loosely connected, and each character has his/her own story, ranging anywhere from 1-15 pages.

The weather is chilly in the book, which is why some of the girls are wearing scarves. Also, it's long been fashionable for Halifax hipster girls to wear scarves practically year-round. All of the faces are based on people I saw on the bus-- except you should see one familiar face in there. That's me at the top, I'm a minor character. I didn't want to draw myself too flattering, but my roommate rejected my initial sketches of myself, saying they were too ugly. Actually, what she said was, "You look like you just escaped from Dachau and you're jonesing for some heroin." Ha.


  • I immediately recognized your face at the top there before I even read the bottom part of the post! Wonderful faces all around. I think I also need to point out the quasi-Eldar lookalike in the center, but all these faces look like people I've seen before, so well done! You did a fantastic job of making them look unique, yet not unbelievable. I'd love to see your finished book.

    By Blogger Major Sheep, at 26 September, 2006  

  • quasi-Eldar lookalike? oh crap... yeah, I can see that now too... okay, weird, but that was not intentional! But he's pretty grim-looking compared to Eldar, so maybe he's Eldar's evil twin. I should give him different hair... I often try out several different hairstyles on my faces, until I settle on one that looks right for the face. That guy just looked right with a ponytail.

    By Blogger LetterGhost, at 26 September, 2006  

  • I'm glad I wasn't the only one being suspicious about the looks of some of these characters :D You did an amazing job on all of them, making them look unique and fun. I think my favorites are the top left guy, and the really geeky looking one too. But they all have awesome personality. I envy you, so, so much. SO whats the story about, eh?

    By Blogger Katya, at 26 September, 2006  

  • shite! does everybody think that looks like Eldar? Oddly enough, that guy was a revamped version of a really leery-looking caricature of my ex.

    And you envy me? ha ha! I'm not skilled enough to consistently render realistic figures in motion, so I cheat and cartoon the hell out of it. I try to draw more expressive figures so that I can disguise my lack of figure drawing skills with weird distortions. I just know my limits.

    If you're interested, I could run a story synopsis by you guys. I'm sure I could use some input.

    By Blogger LetterGhost, at 26 September, 2006  

  • Yikes. You dated a guy that looks like Bizarro Eldar? :) These look great! There's a lot of character in these...characters. Damn I hate being the last to comment! I like how you highlighted certain features with just a tad bit of shading. Those subtleties are a nice touch.

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 27 September, 2006  

  • The Eldar evil twin didn't register as Eldar for me. Eldar did not have half a forehead for a face. These are very whimsical characters, something that would have been right at home in like the 1920s cartoon. Do post the story when you can!

    By Blogger Droemar, at 27 September, 2006  

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