Illustrators of the Future 2006


New Kids on the Block

Here's a sketch of the kids in my new book. Still playing around with a few details, but this is their general look. When choosing names, I figured why not use people I know. I only wish there were 12 of 'em. So, Kat, the oldest sibling, is the chaperone on their trick-or-treating adventure (and is appropriately named bc of her costume). Nathan is our super-hero loving middle child (based on the review Nate gave of Superman Returns on his site, it seemed right). And the youngest is Mel, short for Melanie or Melvin. Thought I'd add a little mystery to this character (since Mel can be very mysterious--jk) Hope you all don't mind. Still fleshing out the story but I'm pulling some great refs so far. Oh, and I still don't have a title yet, but once it's written, I think I'll start asking for suggestions from all of you.

Also, earlier this week, I mailed out 26 submissions to publishers—17 with dummies of Pangaea and 9 query letters. I have a few more to send out, but getting through submission guidelines is a long process. Response times vary, so I probably won't hear back from anyone for at least a month. I'll def keep everyone posted, and hope to have more finished art soon.


  • finally! I love them, they look terrific! i'm too jealous of Kat, Nate and Mel:) the faux-hawk on Nathan is so cute. Lucky kids, they get to trick-or-treat somewhere warmer than I did... we always had to wear mittens and heavy sweaters or jackets under our costumes. And we had garbage bags instead of those plastic pumpkin things (greedy kids we were! well, the chip bags take up a lot of space.) Costume design for Mel is great too, and the sinister-looking head on top of the shy posture--just perfect.

    Awesome. Just awesome.

    By Blogger LetterGhost, at 05 October, 2006  

  • Awww! I got all bubbly and touched that you used my name. And well, to be honest, I was a cat for more than one Halloween when I was a kid c_c;; And I used to have long hair like that. I think Ozzie must be psychic. Nate is killing me, though, with the fauxhawk and the smiley face superhero-ness. I can't help but relate these guys back to their namesakes! Gah!
    I like that Mel is ambiguous in gender, that will make it really interesting.

    Good luck with your book! I'm totally stoked for you to get it published. (i'll be expecting a signed first edition, kthx)

    By Blogger Katya, at 05 October, 2006  

  • Firstly, I can't believe someone actually read that review.

    Secondly, that is a kick ass picture. You should definitely make that fauxhawk impervious to wind or rain. Also, are the eyes on Mel's pumpkin head going to move with where she looks?

    Can't wait to see some sample pages!

    By Blogger Major Sheep, at 06 October, 2006  

  • Thanks guys! Still not sure about the direction I'm taking this into but there will be some humor and some creepiness involved. One idea I thought of recently was having the kids trading off some of their things to each monster they encounter for directions home. On Mel's costume, I think the eyes will be stable but it would look cooler if they moved. I'l have to play around with it to see what works best. And yes, I'm psychic. Or psycho. I forget.

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 09 October, 2006  

  • Sweet! Name one of the monsters after me! I really like this idea, so I'm stoked to see it develop.

    By Blogger Droemar, at 13 October, 2006  

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