Illustrators of the Future 2006


Alright you guys, I had to switch over to the new version of Blogger. You all should be prompted to create a Google account if you don't already have one. Stupid freakin' thing.

Guys, I kind of feel like we're all losing touch somewhat. Lets face it, computers are great, but they are still fleeting. I don't want to lose touch with you guys at all, because I've been worried about that since the day we all left. Because inevitably, how long can we really keep this up? I wish I could talk with you guys more, and I really do mean that. It hurts to think about this kind of slowly drifting away.

Sorry. I feel pessimistic. Is there any way we can promote more activity between us all in an easier manner? Any ideas?

Please feel free to chat with me if you are around - my AIM is "biotheist", MSN is "" and for Gchat, use "" .

also: Eyebones. just for your information.


  • Haha! I had almost forgotten about that! Ah, I can smell the friendship with my nosebones. Don't worry your little brainbones about losing touch with me. As long as my fingerbones can work a keyboard and pencil, I'll be here and ready to talk. Just not with my mouthbones.

    Okay, enough puns for now. Standby for the sketchdump!

    By Blogger Naten, at 20 February, 2007  

  • Ha ha, brainbones. Ditto to that Nate. I might not be consistent with my posts but I'm thinking of you all quite often. I don't know how possible this would be but it would be awesome to get together. We would probably have to plan a year in advance, but it would be worth it.

    Has anyone been checking in on the Illustrators of the Future blog? I keep getting e-mails, but for some reason I never check it out.

    By Blogger K. Feigenbaum, at 21 February, 2007  

  • Oh yeah, my name changed from Kim to Grendel Grack one day. Kim is just too....normal.

    By Blogger K. Feigenbaum, at 21 February, 2007  

  • I'm an expert at long distance relationships, so no fear, Kat! We'll all sooner or later plunk down at the keyboard, if nothing else to show off our work. And yes, I definitely think we should try to get together. I want to go to a Con this summer, but I don't know how or when. But hope springs eternal!

    By Blogger Droemar, at 22 February, 2007  

  • I've been checking the IOF blog and there are some impressive new artists up for next year's award. Well worth checking out.

    I'm heading to the Emerald City Comicon at the end of next month (not that it's really close to anyone else). I'm all for the idea of the 2008 San Diego Comicon, or WorldCon in LA (hoping Morena Baccarin will be there again). Anyone have any other ideas?

    By Blogger Naten, at 23 February, 2007  

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