Illustrators of the Future 2006


At it's heart, it's a Test!

This is just a test to see if I can post even if I can't comment. If so, huzzah! If not, then that'll be that and I'll have to use some sploitz and my mad HaXor skillz to phreak the system Zero-Cool-style.

My professional life is at a bit of a stand-still at the moment. Apart from doing the odd freelance job (and my comic), I've decided to wait until my wife starts working before I fling myself headlong into the sea of illustration. Financial stability and all, wot!

Anyway, here's a picture that I've finally finished. I already posted in on DeviantArt, but it'll work for this test post too. In other news, did anyone else realize it's been just over 6 months since we all met? Where does the time go? Then again, somehow it seems like it's been longer. Ah! *snf* My life is an eternity without my illustrating brothers and sisters! I'm all about meeting up again one of these years. I'm desperately trying to work out how I can go to WorldCon in LA this summer, but we'll see. Hopefully, I'll get to hook up with some of you guys in the near future. Take care 'til then.



  • Blog on you bloggin' blooger! Snoggin' bloggin'!
    I could go on for days I bet. Huzzah for a successful test. I see all: your melodious words, your rockin' image. 'Tis victory this day.
    I can't believe it's been 6 months either. I want to meet up with folks again, too. And as my stint at Texas Tech is looking like it's going to be a heck of a lot shorter than expected, maybe I won't be as shackled down this summer. I'll keep hope alive for some sort of con, anyway ...

    By Blogger Droemar, at 15 February, 2007  

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