Illustrators of the Future 2006


My First Digital Piece

Hey Everyone,

It's good to see everyone keeping busy. I've been working pretty much non-stop (at the day job, mostly) but I am doing some freelance. Jay got a wacom tablet for me for christmas. Most of my time has been spent teaching myself how to paint digitally. So, this is my first piece. I sketched the initial image in my sketchbook, then scanned it in. It took me about three days. I still have a lot to learn, but I am really enjoying the new medium. Until recently, I had an aversion to computers but after seeing some of the phenominal work on I really got inspired to learn. So, that's what I've been focusing on lately. That and I'm trying to figure out where to move. I'm pretty much fed up with this town, so it's time to leave.

The convention season is starting up soon and I'm getting pretty excited about that. I'm going to Animazement in Raleigh, Heroes Con in Charlottle, and Dragon Con in Atalnta. I really think Dragon Con will be an excellent opportunity to meet some professional artists. It is more fantasy oriented than the other cons and it's HUGE. You should see their application process for their art show. It's like a novel.

I guess that's all for now. Take care guys, and I'll try to write more often.


  • That painting is pretty damn awesome, and I regret that I must hate/envy you now because of your Wacom.

    Good luck at the cons!

    By Blogger Naten, at 14 February, 2007  

  • That's awesome for a first try, Kim! Dang, I wish I could've done that with my first wacom piece.
    Do I recall you offering free housing for Dragon Con or some such? I may not be shackled to school this summer, and free = good. Plus seeing any of the kindred from IOTF ...

    By Blogger Droemar, at 15 February, 2007  

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