Well, sort of back. Sorry I've been MIA, been sick the last couple months and haven't been drawing any major projects. Just sleeping a lot and eating and trying to gain some weight! So not a whole lot of news art-wise. i'm focussing on easing my way into the comics world by submitting to anthologies and magazines. So far I'm one for one, with a three page story getting published... sometime this spring/summer, not sure the exact date. Not much money in it, but I was happy to have a positive response as this was the first comic I've done in the last 5 years that I've shown to anyone (actually, I'm not really thrilled with how it turned out which is why I'm not posting it here right now.) I have a list of other anthologies I'm submitting to, so ideally I'll have a list of publications soon on my resume so's I can start getting serious about looking for work. Here's a few sketches, all done at work this week, in my little Moleskine sketchbook that I bought at the Newark airport and hadn't started using yet because the paper is sooo smooth and nice I didn't want to mar it.
Don't be too critical, they're drawn in pen, no pencils (I used pencil crayon for shading). Also, crappy scans.
These three folks are roommates, character designs for a short comic I'm working on:

This is the Thingy (top one, bottom was the first idea) which causes them much grief in the comic. It's supposed to be kinda newborn and lumpy and ugly:

Random face and doodles. Might redraw this larger on nice paper and sell it, it'd be a quick buck.

Old lady I saw yesterday boarding the bus, she gave me an evil beady-eyed stare: