Illustrators of the Future 2006


Here is the latest result from my adventures in photoshop. The topic for this guy was "winged healer." It was a very difficult topic to illustrate. Basically, I focused on making the monster and then wrote a concept that fit the topic (cheating!). But, I figure since I'm still learning I can afford to focus on one thing at a time. There are a few things that could be improved, like the raised paw, but I'm done with it for now. Moving on to the next thing.....

Who Here Likes Ninja Turtles?

Me an' Ozzie were discussing collaborations, and we'd really like all of the Illustrators to do one big collaboration. He just saw TMNT. The Ninja Turtles were much loved be me when I was little; I still have like 150 figurines. Would anyone be up for doing a big collaboration, where each of us draws one character from the show? I volunteer to Photoshop all the pieces together into one big awesome piece. Everybody can do it in their own style and so on, but it might be best to keep the backgrounds blank to make for easy Photoshopping.
Anyone up for it? I'd like to do Splinter. Raphael was my favorite turtle, but I'd have a hell of a time drawing him. If we get enough people to do the 4 turtles, Shredder, and Splinter, I'd give up Splinter to do someone like Bebop or Rocksteady, or even some of the figure characters like Triceraton or Ray Filet. (Much love to the Rayman!)
Oh! And someone could do Mondo Gecko. Everyone who was little who had that toy loved that guy cause he could skateboard over everything. And Kang. Creepy little brain guy. He never showed up in the movies, did he?


back in action?

Well, sort of back. Sorry I've been MIA, been sick the last couple months and haven't been drawing any major projects. Just sleeping a lot and eating and trying to gain some weight! So not a whole lot of news art-wise. i'm focussing on easing my way into the comics world by submitting to anthologies and magazines. So far I'm one for one, with a three page story getting published... sometime this spring/summer, not sure the exact date. Not much money in it, but I was happy to have a positive response as this was the first comic I've done in the last 5 years that I've shown to anyone (actually, I'm not really thrilled with how it turned out which is why I'm not posting it here right now.) I have a list of other anthologies I'm submitting to, so ideally I'll have a list of publications soon on my resume so's I can start getting serious about looking for work. Here's a few sketches, all done at work this week, in my little Moleskine sketchbook that I bought at the Newark airport and hadn't started using yet because the paper is sooo smooth and nice I didn't want to mar it.

Don't be too critical, they're drawn in pen, no pencils (I used pencil crayon for shading). Also, crappy scans.
These three folks are roommates, character designs for a short comic I'm working on:

This is the Thingy (top one, bottom was the first idea) which causes them much grief in the comic. It's supposed to be kinda newborn and lumpy and ugly:

Random face and doodles. Might redraw this larger on nice paper and sell it, it'd be a quick buck.

Old lady I saw yesterday boarding the bus, she gave me an evil beady-eyed stare:


Word on my book...

Hey guys, I received word from the publisher and it's a no-go on Pangaea. They liked the story but it didn't do as well in testing. So, I'll take it for what it is...a good learning experience. I'm not going to be down about it though. There are plenty of stories to tell and I think I'll eventually find my audience.

And...I finally got this illustration to load. You might remember way back when, Laura provided the pencils for this piece of the New Gods vs the Old Gods. Although it's taken forever to finish, here it is today. Sorry for the delay Laura--I really did want to get cracking on this sooner but a lot's happened in these first few months of the year. I've come to really appreciate your characters and the intricate details and personalities you've given them. I know that this piece is a little dark and some areas could have been worked better (hindsight--always 20/20) but it was definitely fun and a good excercise.


Original Art

Greetings all,

Just wondering if anyone has received their original artwork back from Galaxy Press. I specifically remember someone asking that in San Diego and the reply was "yes." So....what's up with that? I haven't seen mine and it's been 7 months or so, right?