Illustrators of the Future 2006


Word on my book...

Hey guys, I received word from the publisher and it's a no-go on Pangaea. They liked the story but it didn't do as well in testing. So, I'll take it for what it is...a good learning experience. I'm not going to be down about it though. There are plenty of stories to tell and I think I'll eventually find my audience.

And...I finally got this illustration to load. You might remember way back when, Laura provided the pencils for this piece of the New Gods vs the Old Gods. Although it's taken forever to finish, here it is today. Sorry for the delay Laura--I really did want to get cracking on this sooner but a lot's happened in these first few months of the year. I've come to really appreciate your characters and the intricate details and personalities you've given them. I know that this piece is a little dark and some areas could have been worked better (hindsight--always 20/20) but it was definitely fun and a good excercise.


  • WOOOOOOOO! These look AWESOME! They look like they'd appear in a history book on Lustra. So etchy. Wheeee!
    Can I post a copy of this on my Deviantart account? Just to show folks the collaboration, and give props to your awesome inking skills.

    By Blogger Droemar, at 20 March, 2007  

  • Of course! Glad you like it. I'm planning on posting it on a site called Carbonmade and giving you credit too. It's a portfolio site that allows up to 35 images and 5 categories. For anyone (like me) who doesn't have a website it's worth checking out.

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 21 March, 2007  

  • frickin' gorgeous!!! Fantastic job on the New God in the foreground whose name I forget...(starts with a B...? I'll have to look it up later) Also I love how there are elements protruding from the frame. You two should think about doing more work.

    it's good that you're being so practical about your experience thus far with Pangaea, I'd prolly cry. But you're right, it is a good learning experience. Had any time to work on the Hallowe'en story?

    By Blogger LetterGhost, at 21 March, 2007  

  • Thanks T, and welcome back! Haven't done much with the Halloween story, but I plan to soon. And I'd love to do another collab and focus on Arista, the wolf-like creature in just another really cool action pose.

    By Blogger Ozzie, at 22 March, 2007  

  • Hey, whenever you have time, I'm up for another collaboration. Especially if this is what I get out of it! Wheee! Gonna post it to DevArt.
    Sorry to hear abotu Pangea; that's got to be a real letdown. But keep at it, it's a great concept with great art.
    If anyone else wants to jump in a collaboration, speak up!

    By Blogger Droemar, at 22 March, 2007  

  • Hey Ozzie, I know you must be bummed about your book. I feel confident, however, that you can get it published somewhere. You have such great story telling skills (both literary and visual) there is no doubt in my mind that you will succeed. Keep at it!

    The piece you did with Laura is quite beautiful. It has a very distince design quality to it that makes look very professional.

    By Blogger K. Feigenbaum, at 22 March, 2007  

  • Another piece of art full of mind-blowing technique as always, Ozzie. I think you did a terrific job of interpreting Laura's pencils. Sorry to hear about your book (stupid "lowest common denominator" testing groups), but I'm also glad to hear that you're not letting it get to you. There are so many stories to tell, and I look forward to the next one you dream up!

    By Blogger Naten, at 26 March, 2007  

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