It's good to be able to access this place again.
I finally found out where to get a model skeleton. I'm getting it shipped from the US and it's still costing me less than $400 Australian. If anyones interested I can let you know the model, I think it's the cheapest, good skeletonl you can buy.
Does anyone here know of any really complicated perspective books? I've been reading this one callled 'Perspective a new system for designers' which introduces a few interesting things, but doesn't nearly go into enough detail about them. The lines DO bend! I knew it all along I tell you!
I've got some stuff to post comming up soon. It's a submission for comic anthology put together by a company based in Perth. They're called Gestalt, and they're all about giving the creators all the rights. They are the ones that are interested in publishing my graphic novel. In the meantime thats taking up all the art time I have.
I'm still at my job, still learning all sorts of new things. Still perpetually dissapointed with my work. It's great!