Illustrators of the Future 2006


Upholding the Law, Mutant Badger Style.

Hey guys, I just completed this guy for a weekly activity on The topic was to create a "non-human law enforcement officer." Naturally, a huge mutant badger was the first thing to come to mind. That and Mahoney from "Police Academy" but I couldn't find a way to include him, being human and all.

It's digital and it took me about two days. Basically I used the same process as before - drew it in the ol' sketchbook and then painted over it. I tried to focus a little more on the background, although I couldn't do what I really wanted due to time constraints. I had planned on having another badger on the ground who had been beaten into submission. Curious yet terrified onlookers would be trying to see what happened hence the "move it along..." phrase. Oh well, maybe next time. There's always room for unnecessary violence in art. That's why it's so great.


Just to expand the range of my blog postings, and maybe the blog in general, I'm doing a sketch dump. While I haven't been the most productive guy at finished pieces, I'm creating a ton of little guys every day. So I'm throwing this out there to prove (perhaps to myself) that I'm not lazy, just building momentum. Yeah! That's it!

Anyway, here's some stuff from me. Enjoi.

First, a travelogue-style sketch of the Edema Ruh, travelling performers similar to gypsies and regarded just as highly. This is a "stereotype" sketch, far from the truth.

The Rac-Pack, a team of submarine engineers: from left to right, Orbit, Hindsight, Tiptop, Rascal, and Nailback.

Mostly characters from my strip, but lining the bottom are Gamine the seal and Flintlock the cheetah from my Deep Six storyline, and Randy from "My Name is Earl."

A Jeckyl and Hyde rendering of myself, Kirk, Hephaestus from "Little Gods," and Megahertz the fruit bat from Deep Six.

Armor renderings for another storyline. It's supposed to be for a ranger-type, but I have a hard time making it look both sparse (for agility) and effective. The armor grows from spawning packs and retracts when not in use.


Alright you guys, I had to switch over to the new version of Blogger. You all should be prompted to create a Google account if you don't already have one. Stupid freakin' thing.

Guys, I kind of feel like we're all losing touch somewhat. Lets face it, computers are great, but they are still fleeting. I don't want to lose touch with you guys at all, because I've been worried about that since the day we all left. Because inevitably, how long can we really keep this up? I wish I could talk with you guys more, and I really do mean that. It hurts to think about this kind of slowly drifting away.

Sorry. I feel pessimistic. Is there any way we can promote more activity between us all in an easier manner? Any ideas?

Please feel free to chat with me if you are around - my AIM is "biotheist", MSN is "" and for Gchat, use "" .

also: Eyebones. just for your information.


Ok, now I am having problems with this thing. It won't let me leave comments. It just says I'm not a team member and then erases my post.
Anyway, as long as I can post somewhere I guess it's not a big deal.

Laura: My mom's house is open and it would be great to see you again. Just let me know. The membership fee for DragonCon will continue to go up the closer it gets to the con. Today is the last day to get it for $50.

Nate: I'm really lovin' the wacom. I will risk repreating myself by saying 'if you have the means, I highly recommed picking one up. They are so choice."


At it's heart, it's a Test!

This is just a test to see if I can post even if I can't comment. If so, huzzah! If not, then that'll be that and I'll have to use some sploitz and my mad HaXor skillz to phreak the system Zero-Cool-style.

My professional life is at a bit of a stand-still at the moment. Apart from doing the odd freelance job (and my comic), I've decided to wait until my wife starts working before I fling myself headlong into the sea of illustration. Financial stability and all, wot!

Anyway, here's a picture that I've finally finished. I already posted in on DeviantArt, but it'll work for this test post too. In other news, did anyone else realize it's been just over 6 months since we all met? Where does the time go? Then again, somehow it seems like it's been longer. Ah! *snf* My life is an eternity without my illustrating brothers and sisters! I'm all about meeting up again one of these years. I'm desperately trying to work out how I can go to WorldCon in LA this summer, but we'll see. Hopefully, I'll get to hook up with some of you guys in the near future. Take care 'til then.



My First Digital Piece

Hey Everyone,

It's good to see everyone keeping busy. I've been working pretty much non-stop (at the day job, mostly) but I am doing some freelance. Jay got a wacom tablet for me for christmas. Most of my time has been spent teaching myself how to paint digitally. So, this is my first piece. I sketched the initial image in my sketchbook, then scanned it in. It took me about three days. I still have a lot to learn, but I am really enjoying the new medium. Until recently, I had an aversion to computers but after seeing some of the phenominal work on I really got inspired to learn. So, that's what I've been focusing on lately. That and I'm trying to figure out where to move. I'm pretty much fed up with this town, so it's time to leave.

The convention season is starting up soon and I'm getting pretty excited about that. I'm going to Animazement in Raleigh, Heroes Con in Charlottle, and Dragon Con in Atalnta. I really think Dragon Con will be an excellent opportunity to meet some professional artists. It is more fantasy oriented than the other cons and it's HUGE. You should see their application process for their art show. It's like a novel.

I guess that's all for now. Take care guys, and I'll try to write more often.


What I've Been Up To

These are most of what my recent art time has gone into. I'm mostly swamped with college and beuracracy right now, so I don't have a lot of time. But I figured I should post a month's worth of work. These are colored pencils of enormous and awkward size. Rare beasts, they are.


Holy geez you guys! I kind of fell out of sync with checking this place and now it's yet again full of amazing artwork and everything. I hope that it being slow in here means you guys are super busy and you are pumping out serious amounts of artwork. If I find otherwise you'll be very sorry :|

I still think about and miss you guys - every time I get another Galaxy Press e-mail and see the occasional update on DA. Never forget how excellent you guys are. One day when we're all rich and famous we should all gather together in Carlsbad again in the same hotel and just have a week of artsy amazingness again.

Congrats to Ozzie on the publication...! And to Miguel for his awesome new job. What have the rest of you guys been up to, besides the usual trudge of life? How were your holidays? Tell me things!

I'm busy trying to get things set up for going to Berlin come April. I'm so excited I could explode! So for now I am not in school (as I am.. going in April instead) and just working and trying to make a ton of art. Doing commissions and also regular stuff to add to a portfolio. I have a goal of when I get back from Berlin, I will be in my senior year of college, and I would like to start sending out portfolios to publishing companies and other such things.

I'll priviledge you guys with a WIP of a picture I've been picking at for months inbetween other projects - and I'm ready to get this stuff finished already! I've done some more on it since this, and I will be posting the finished piece on deviantart.